Monday, February 20, 2012


Does he or doesn't he not like me? A question everyone has felt. Everyone is scared of the answer, because when you find out he doesn't like you, you go through your check list the "what did I do wrong!" check list. Was it something I said? Was it something I did? Is it because I am to fat? and Maybe he only likes blondes not brunettes? You plague your brain with so many questions that you will never find the answer to. Which in return make you so much more frustrated and then it turns into being insecure. Whatever happen to it being so simple passing the note in school with the letter "Do you like me?" check "yes" or "no?" Guy says no you move on. It didn't hurt so much. I feel like todays modern world we all carry around baggage. Of what someone else did to the person you like and you pay for it. You date the guy that his love of life cheated on him. You pay for the crimes she committed. Even though you were never the cheater.  Does anyone ever remember being little and trusting everyone until they were proven untrustworthy? Does anyone wish they could just erase the bad and only have the good memories of the people that crossed your path? How can we just let go of the baggage so we all don't pass it along to the next person we date and screw up there life even worse to the point where they are carrying more baggage. theirs and now yours. Soon we will all be walking around with carts full of luggage. Clean up on isle six there's baggage every where.

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