Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spider sense

I was asked to go out on a boat into the deep blue sea. I was excited and couldn't wait to be out on the water fishing. There is nothing in the world I love doing more then be out in the big ocean. plus the guy who asked was super cute. I showed up at his house the next morning only to discover that his boat was the size of the boat that Jaw's sunk. You know the one with the old man trying to help the kids, the little dingy, anyways I was kind of shocked to see it since he was telling me what an awesome boat it was. To me it looked like it would sink. I am not trying to be stuck up by all mean must people who know me understand that I am not that type of lady. As I walked around the boat to get a better look I discover that the little dingy had no radio. Thus if you were gonna sink no one would ever know you were missing. At that moment red flags started going off in my head. As I turned around another guy showed up. He hopped out of his car and said you ready to go fishing? Now being the person I am, I started doing the math three people in this little dingy no radio not to mention that I was going out in the ocean with two guys I really didn't know. My spider sense was in over drive. All I could think about was getting rapped thrown overboard and becoming bruce from "Finding Nemo" lunch. Now being the women my mama raised me to be smiled and said I forgot something in my car. As walked over to my car I reached in my pocket and grabbed my cell phone I pretended to be answering a text message well I was really setting up my fake phone call to get me out of this nightmare. I grabbed something random in my car started walking back over when my fake phone call rang I answered it and pretend there was a problem at work. I kindly said "I will have to go some other time, when work calls i gotta go."

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